My post yesterday seems to have stirred things up nicely. So I suppose I should explain my position on open source further.
I am still a big advocate of the use of open source as a primary software distribution model. Given the craziness in the world of software patents, open source is one of the best solutions we currently have to face this patent scourge. For me, open source represents both the ideal form of developmental transparency, (What you see is what you get) as well as the one of the best mechanisms of software marketing available today.
Besides the fact that I loathe traditional software development and distribution models, open source + cloud computing are mutually beneficial, not exclusive. In an environment where the physical medium is no longer important, the idea of licensing your software on a per machine or per cpu basis makes no sense. Ultimately, the value needs to be derived for it's usefulness to the end user and how easily they can adjust. Whether that means the code or for capacity, open source gives you that flexiblity.
So to be clear my resolve to continue releasing both Enomaly ECP as well as assorted pieces of software as open source is strong today as it was five years ago.
(Yes, I need to be more careful when posting my crazy ideas, I forget people actually read this stuff.)