I've been asked to present on the topic of "Internet of Things and The Cloud" at an upcoming conference in Shanghai next month. As you can probably tell, I can pretty well BS myself out of any situation, I do admit this one has made me pause. What are we talking about when use the term "Internet" of things? Are we talking about the Internet as a architecture, a network, as a or as "uniquely identifiable objects (things) and their virtual representations in an Internet-like structure". Then I ask are we talking about "the cloud" as a metaphor for the Internet or are we talking about cloud computing as a structure for getting something done using remote Internet centric computing resources? Are we talking both? I think we're talking both.
It seems pretty clear that we as a society are moving to a world where everything that can be connected, will be connected. In essence if it's powered and has the ability to either provide information either by displaying it or collecting it will be connected to the internet. The Internet is the ultimate information conduit. Now I ask, how does this relate to computing? Maybe it relates in that all this new information must be aggregated, segregated and analyzed. The enormous amount of information will need new "distributed" ways to be stored and worked upon. Enter cloud computing and enter the theses for my presentation. See you in Shanghai April 12th.
(I'll try to post my presentation, after I present it in China)