We are pleased to announce the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum's participation in an all day Workshop entitled "Strategies And Technologies for Cloud Computing Interoperability (SATCCI)" to be held in conjunction with the Object Management Group (OMG) March Technical Meeting on March 23, 2009, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA, USA.
I'll personally be presenting my thoughts on creation of an open unified cloud interface and opportunity for unification between existing IT and cloud based infrastructures. (aka hybrid computing)
The SATCCI Workshop will provide leaders in the Federal computing community with an overview of Cloud Interoperability/Portability issues and possible solutions. The Workshop will increase the attendees understanding of this area, will encourage ongoing participation from attendee organizations, and gather feedback on future requirements for open Cloud Computing deployments. This feedback can help guide future Cloud Computing standardization organization deliverables.
Representatives from groups working on Cloud interoperability and portability will be invited to present their approaches at interactive sessions. Invited presenters include the Cloud Computing Interoperability Forum, the Open Cloud Consortium, the Open Grid Forum, the Open Group, the Distributed Management Task Force, the Network Centric Operations Industry Consortium, the Object Management Group, and vendors with active interoperability and portability efforts.
One motivation for the SATCCI Workshop aimed at the Federal IT community is that the new administration will be making critical technology funding decisions in the next few months. The SATCCI organizers will invite representatives of major Federal computing organizations to attend and participate in making this a practical, productive, and timely Workshop.
We hope to see you at this special session. To register for this Special Event, click HERE