Friday, May 8, 2009

Federal Cloud Standards Summit (July 15th)

Building upon the Federal CIO Cloud Summit this week in Washington. I have been invited to provide a keynote presentation at the upcoming Cloud Standards Summit July 15th in Washington. My keynote presentation will focus on providing a summary from the Federal CIO's Cloud Summit as well as next steps for supporting adoption of cloud computing within the U.S. federal government.

Being held as part of the OMG Standards in Government & NGO's Workshop July 13-15, 2009, Arlington,Virginia. The goal of the Cloud Standards Summit is to initiate a dialogue with government IT leaders on the theme of "Coordinating Standardization Activities to Remove Government Cloud Computing Roadblocks". Potential government implementers of Cloud Computing will supply their feedback on key issues that could delay federal Cloud Computing deployments.

These issues will include areas such as security, governance, SLAs, portability/interoperability across Clouds, compliance, legacy systems integration, APIs, and virtualized resource management. At the Summit, standards groups will be asked to describe their future work on Cloud standards and how it maps to the government concerns. Government attendees will be encouraged to provide feedback. Companies working on Cloud Computing are invited to be part of the audience and provide their perspective on the concerns and proposed standardization activities.

Draft Agenda:
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