The event is being Co-hosted and sponsored by The Open Group Conference Toronto as well as Martin Kirk, David Lounsbury, Scott Radeztsky
Register Here
Toronto Marriott Downtown Eaton Centre
525 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2L2
5:00pm Doors Open
5:30pm Registration and Networking
6:00pm Welcome and Thank You's
6:15pm 15 minute keynote (for first CloudCamp only)
6:30pm 4-6 Lightning Talks (5 min each)
7:00pm Unpanel
7:30pm Prepare for Unconference
7:45pm Break
8:00pm Unconference (3+ sessions simultaneous)
- include "What is Cloud Computing?" session
8:45pm Unconference (2nd set of sessions)
- include "What is Different with a Cloud Application?"
9:30pm Wrap up
9:45pm More networking on location or head to the Pub