Interesting idea floating around this afternoon on twitter. After yesterday's two CloudCamp's I received a few messages asking if there was any online ability to view the CloudCamp proceeding streaming live. In short the answer is no, although a few have posted video afterward.
This got me thinking, why not do a monthly virtual CloudCamp unconference via Webex? Cisco is already a sponsor of several CloudCamp's and I'm sure they would be more then happy to donate the Webex account in return for some promotional consideration. By creating a virtual unconference we could include everyone anywhere in the world using the very medium we help promote. Another benefit is an archive of audio and video posted to the website from the monthly events.
The virtual unconference could generally follow the same format as the physical one with a main unconference sesssion and several breakouts in the form of secondary webex's.
So far the feedback on twitter has been very positive. If others agree, I suggest we aim to hold our first "CloudCamp in the Cloud" this August with ongoing monthly events going forward.