Saturday, May 30, 2009

Intel & Open Cloud Standards – Where it Makes Most Sense

In a recent post on the Intel community blogs, Intel has for the first time publicly shed light on its strategy around Cloud Computing and the so called "Open Cloud" and how open standards and open source solutions play in the cloud computing era.

In the post Jackson He, a Senior Architect at Intel said "Intel has been a leader for HW standard building block for the last 30 years and has changed the industry. It is natural to assume that Intel should focus IaaS and PaaS building blocksas well as how these open standards could be applied at open datacenters (ODC) as“adjacent” growth opportunities to embrace the booming cloud computing. Some conventional wisdom says that Intel is not relevant to cloud, as cloud computing be definition abstracts HW. I would say just the opposite – Intel will continue to play a critical role to define and promote open standards and open source solutions for IaaS and PaaS, so that the cloud can actually mushroom. There is a strong correlation between how fast cloud computing can proliferate and how well Intel plays its role to lead the open cloud solutions at IaaS and PaaS layers. What do you think?"

Read the rest of the post here.

(Disclosure, Enomaly has been working closely with Intel on their Elastic / Cloud strategy since 2006)
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