I'd like to recap a few of the important things have happened over the last week or so.
The U.S Federal Government has indicated they have hired Patrick Stingley as federal cloud CTO (Federal Cloud Czar).
The White House unveiled a Cross-Cutting Programs Document that outlines the administration's 2010 budget requests including pilot projects that identify common services and solutions and that focus on using cloud computing
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) revealed a draft of a formal government definition for cloud computing (including the definition of infrastructure as a service), as well as an upcoming NIST Special Publication on Cloud Computing and Security.
The GSA announced a cloud computing RFI which included provisions for cloud interoperability and portability.
As I've said previously, I believe this is a landmark moment for Cloud Computing and I'm not the only one who thinks so. Earlier this week David Mihalchick, manager of Google's federal business development team said in an informationweek interview, that the "White House's budget addendum could be a watershed event for the federal cloud computing market".
I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what happens next. I'll keep you posted.