I admit I'm writing this post in a slightly sleep deprived state. (If this post makes no sense you've been warned) As I ponder the possibilities of endless diaper changes at 2am, I had a few insights about the shift currently underway in both business and computing.
One - I don't know about you, but if I have to install a piece of software on my desktop, I won't. My first essential Truth of Cloud Computing is any consumer software created today, not in the cloud (on the internet), should be in the cloud.
Two - the browser is the only desktop application requirement.
Three - I'm calling the DevOps Truth.
When it comes to infrastructure - Anything that can be automated, should be automated.
Four - Simplicity is always better than complixity.
Five - Open is better than closed.
Six - Value is money made or money saved.
Seven - My customers customer is my customer.
Eight - Empower your customers to be successful and in return you will be.
Nine - The OS doesn't matter.
Ten - Information wants to be free.
I'm sure there's more, please add your own essential truths to the comments.