CloudChasers is a live Internet radio show tackles the drama surrounding cloud computing head on. Each week, a Novell guest and a third-party subject matter expert will examine the emerging ideas, challenges and opportunities relevant to cloud computing in a spirited, non-formatted discussion. It's a must-listen for every IT professional chasing the cloud.
Date: April 8, 2010
Topic: Cloud Adoption: What's Holding Us Back?
Time: 1:30pm EDT (10:30PT)
Host: Leslie Poston, writer for, author of Twitter for Dummies and founder of Podcamp NH
Jon Bultmeyer, Director, Identity R&D at Novell
Reuven Cohen, blogger at, founder of Cloud Camp, and CTO at Enomaly
There's no shortage of voices saying that cloud computing offers the promise of enormous agility, flexibility, and cost savings. But if the cloud is set to revolutionize IT, why aren't more enterprises embracing it fully for business-critical operations? Is it security risk? Regulatory concerns? Integration worries? Join us as we discuss what's really holding us back from taking advantage of the cloud – whether it's something technological, operational, or even cultural—and how those obstacles can be overcome.